schwangerschaft-geburtPregnancy and childbirth

Pregnancy is one of the most exciting times in life. Since this is also the time in which a lot of questions come up, enjoyment and concern alternate frequently.

We would like to help you to get a general idea about the topics that are most important to you. We are of course available for you, either during our telephone consulting hours or during an appointment in the Family Planning Centre.

In addition to the Family Planning Centre there are several other places to turn to with all questions regarding pregnancy and childbirth. We will inform you about institutions cooperating with us and other counselling centres.

Classes on Pregnancy and Childbirth in the Familiy Planning Centre:

  • Antenatal classes »

    Wochenend-Intensivkurs mit Partner
    14 Stunden an einem Wochenende

  • Antenatal gymnastics »

    Yoga, Gymnastik, Atem- und Entspannungsübungen

  • Pelvic floor exercise after childbirth »

    Beckenboden-, Rücken- und Bauchmuskelübungen, Yoga und Entspannung

  • Indian massage for the baby »

    ein Verwöhnprogramm für Babys - entspannend und gesundheitsfördernd


Phone (040) 439 28 22


By the way

We have confidentiality, that is, we tell nothing!


For teenagers everything is free!

Contact us by Telephone

10 - 13 and 15 - 17 h

15 - 18 h

10 - 13 h

10 - 13 and 16 - 18 h

10 - 13 h

zentrum HH e.V. (FPZ)
Bei der Johanniskirche 20
22767 Hamburg

Phone (040) 439 28 22

E-Mail Kontakt