Social support

Information evening for parents to be on the 8th of July, 2024! down loading

For most people getting a child brings up a lot of questions. This web-page cannot substitute personal counselling but may give you some ideas or answers to some of your questions. In some cases the information only applies for the State of Hamburg.

If you would like to know more please feel free to contact the Family Planning Centre to make an appointment.

You can also order our booklet “Was alles auf mich zukommt – Ein Leitfaden für Schwangere”, a guideline for mothers-to-be which contains lots of practical information about support during pregnancy and after delivery.

  • Which expenses are being covered by the insurance? »

    If you are member of a statutory health insurance fund you are entitled to prenatal careat a gynecologist or a midwife. You are also entitled to a birth preparation course free of charge. You will receive a maternity allowance during the time of maternity leave. For additional benefits after the delivery feel free to contact our counselling centre.

  • Where can I apply for child allowance and how much will I get? »

    In Hamburg you have to apply at the “Familienkasse” at the Agentur für Arbeit (Federal Employment Office). Application forms are available there or by downloading them. Applications can be filled in before childbirth but handed in only afterwords. You have to include the birth certificate of the baby. The child allowance amounts to 184,- € per month until the age of 25.

  • Under what circumstances can I apply for additional child support? »

    You are generally entitled to additional child support if you as a parent are able to support yourself but not your child. Additional child support is to avoid the necessity for unemployment benefit. A further condition would be that there is an entitlement to child allowance for at least one minor living in your household. The additional child allowance amounts to a maximum of 140,- € per child. To estimate potential claims visit our counselling centre.

  • For how long can I request maternity leave? »

    Mothers and fathers can request maternity leave for up to three years. Conditions are:
    - You and your child live in the same household
    - You care for your child mostly yourself.
    - You do not work more than 30 hours a week during maternity leave

    Employees enjoy lay-off protection during this period that takes effect instantly after requesting maternity leave. But there are still some exceptions. In case of dismissal immediately address the office of employment and file an objection within three weeks.

    Parental allowance can only be applied for within the first 12, or 14 months respectively, after childbirth and is approved only three months later with retroactive effect..

    Following the payment of child allowance, parents can get Betreuungsgeld if one parent takes care of the child at home. It amounts to 100,- € monthly for children in their second year and from august 2014 150,- € for children in their second and third year.

    For further information please contact the parental allowance section of the district office, the family planning centre or the service number Servicetelefon of the federal ministry of family, seniors, women and youth.

  • My parter and I are not married and want to share custody. What do we have to do?

    If not married at the moment of birth the mother automatically obtains custody of the child. If you want to share custody with the father of the baby you will have to certify the legal paternity according to § 1626 a BGB at the youth welfare office (without charge) or assign a solicitor.

  • Is there any special care for pregnant young women or minor girls? »

    When looking for a place in a care institution please contact the public social services of your local district office. This office is connected to the youth welfare office in order to help you with the search for an attended form of housing. There are several institutions that care for young pregnant women and for mothers with young children like Abendroth-Haus, das Rauhe Haus, das Theodor-Wenzel-Haus and the Alida-Schmidt-Foundation.

    You will find useful information on

  • Am I entitled to „public housing“? »

    You can apply for the so called §5-certificate at your local housing office for you, your child and a possible partner. This certificate will entitle you to a subsidized flat under the condition that your income does not exceed a certain limit. Mother and child are entitled up to 70m² in up to three rooms.

  • What do I have to consider if I am in danger of unemployment? »

    Pregnant women and parents on maternity leave enjoy a special protection from dismissal. A dismissal is only possible under exceptional circumstances. In that case pregnant women are entitled to unemployment benefits if they comply with other requirements. They are considered being employable. Feel free to get counselling at the family planning centre or contact the office of employment protection.

  • Where can I find a class on baby care? »

    - At public health offices
    - At many hospitals
    - On

  • Which day-care facilities for my child are there in Hamburg »

    Children up to the age of three can be cared for in day care nurseries or by childminders. You can choose the facility that is best in terms of distance or environment. Since it is still difficult to find a day-care place in some districts it would make sense to look for a fitting facility already during the pregnancy and to enter a waiting list if possible.

    Since August 2003 the nursery-voucher-system Kita-Gutschein has taken effect. Vouchers are valid for one year and can only be applied for one year in advance before the actual start of the day-care at your youth welfare office (department for child day-care). They can be cashed in at a facility of your choice.

    The entitlement to day-care (5 hours daily with lunch from Monday to Friday) from the age of one year up to school entry exists regardless of parental employment. In this case the application has to be approved directly.

    If more day-care is needed and for children of other ages there are special regulations. For further information make an appointment for advice at the office for social support in your local district or at the family planning centre.

  • Support for Applications »

    Do you have questions regarding applications for parental allowance, child allowance, housing benefits or unemployment benefits? The family planning centre offers support for filling in application forms for pregnant women, mothers and fathers during maternity leave. On Wednesday mornings you can get useful information and support. You are welcome to make a short term appointment!


Phone (040) 439 28 22


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Bei der Johanniskirche 20
22767 Hamburg

Phone (040) 439 28 22

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